A lot of people are interested in getting an iPhone, but are unsure of how to use it properly. For easy to use tips that will give you everything to need to know about the basics of your iPhone, take a look at the article below. Read on to find out how to utilize your iPhone effectively and easily.

You can take pictures with your headphone cord as well. Keep a steady hand when you are taking the picture and press the button found on your headphone cord. Using this technique will help ensure your photos are crisp and clear.

You don’t have to append “.com” to web addresses while you are browsing. All you need to do is include the main part, like Google, and miraculously the iPhone browser transports you to that site. This might not seem important, but it will save lots of time during the time you have your phone.

You can use Siri to set reminders linked to locations. Now you don’t have to say ” Siri, remind me at five to call work.” You can instead tell Siri to do an action when you reach a certain location. When the phone’s GPS realizes you are home, it will give you the reminder. You can still have your reminder even though you can’t predict when you will get home.

To save time, do not always click the “X” button when the AutoCorrect function erroneously changes your word. To eliminate this alteration, tap anywhere else on the screen. This method closes the suggestion box quickly and easily.

You should now have a better idea of all the things your iPhone can do. People are often confused with all the new apps that come out, and aren’t fully aware of all the things their iPhone can do. The information you’ve learned from this article can help you get started.