Internet marketing can be an extremely lucrative occupation if done correctly. Keep in mind though, you will need to make a good investment of your time if you want to be successful. It is important to use your time wisely. Consider the following information if you are interested in ways to better manage the time you set aside for the marketing of your business.
Observe your competitors. You could learn from their successes and mistakes. Browse competitors’ sites to get ideas on marketing and advertising strategies, and then incorporate them into your own site.
Take time to learn web design basics. There are many online resources that can teach you about key aspects of web design such as HTML and cascading style sheets. Set aside half an hour daily to learning about web design. This allows you to steadily learn what you need to work on your web page.
In addition to the individual divisions of your site, be sure to have a main hub that gives an overall layout of your site. Do not stray too far from the category in which your product lies. Functionality is key here.
Minimize the use of tools like Flash or AJAX. These things look great, but they can slow your site down, and they do nothing to help your rankings. If you are using flash, do not go overboard or ad keywords.
Richard Vanderhurst teaches that direct marketing can also work if you know who to target and what they are looking for. You can impart information regarding promotions and services to your customers via phone, email and fax. A local phone book or online directory can be an invaluable source of information as you prepare to contact customers.
As shown, Internet marketing should not overreach your available time. Strategize your approach, use your time efficiently and you will see success